Mentoring for young regional entrepreneurs
Free mentoring for young regional entrepreneurs
We are driven by a strong sense of purpose: to build capability in people living in regional Australian communities and to support them to create opportunities for themselves. Young people are core to our purpose and our communities.
Regional Rising was born in Swan Hill, Victoria, in 2017 and has had value creation and social impact in our DNA from day one.
One way we aim to create social impact is through free mentoring of young people to help them develop their ideas to tackle challenges or start a side hustle or new business.
Our free mentoring service is delivered online and is open to young people living in regional, rural or remote Australia.
Our mentoring is flexible and accessible - whether you’re really young or your idea is at a very early stage we encourage you to get in touch. If you’re keen to take your first steps as an entrepreneur then this is the opportunity for you.
If you have some questions and would like to know a little more before jumping in, please fill in the contact form below.
Where to start
Complete the contact form below
We will make contact with you and refer you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time for an introductory call.
A decision will be made following the introductory call whether both parties are a good fit and if Regional Rising can add value.
Important stuff to know - please read before contacting us
Mentoring is provided after school hours Monday to Friday. Two one hour slots are offered at 4pm and 5pm (Victorian time).
Regional Rising has extremely limited human resources and reserves the right to withdraw this free service at any time.
This free service is available to school age children who live in communities in regional, rural and remote Australia. This service is not subsidised by Government and we are not paid to provide the service - our time is donated.
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/carer unless consent has been provided otherwise in writing.
Our mentor has a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC).
This free service may be subject to cancellations at short notice.
Mentoring will be provided online using Microsoft Teams or Google Meet which can be delivered through most devices including mobile phones. It is advisable that participants have a webcam and microphone if joining from a personal computer or laptop. Sessions can be delivered by phone with the agreement in advance of both parties.
The number of free sessions provided to each participant is up to the discretion of Regional Rising and will be largely determined by the progress made by the participant over time, commitment and attitude.
Cancellations and no shows - participants must provide advance notice if they cannot attend a session. Regional Rising reserves the right to withdraw support to participants who miss multiple appointments.