Workshops and events we can deliver for regional councils

Keeping up with technology to gain an advantage can feel like a never ending battle for small business.

We support councils in various ways to build capability in local businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs and we’ve been doing it since 2015.

Workshops to build capability

Our workshops and programs

Our core offer for local government in regional, rural and remote Australian communities centres on our capability to deliver workshops on various digital topics via various delivery methods.

In a world of webinars and Zoom, our point of difference is that we’re prepared to come to you and deliver an event in person.

We can provide workshops and programs:

  • In person

  • Online

  • A blend of in-person and online.

Workshops can be customised and delivered over:

  • 3-4 hours (half day) during business hours, evenings or weekends

  • Full day or multi-day

  • As part of a multi-week program (eg. How to build a website)

We can also develop bespoke workshops to suit your needs.

Funding to work together

Regional Rising is not government funded and our model is fee-for-service.

We can work with you on grant applications to fund programs delivered in your region.

Contact us if you’d like to discuss ideas for workshops and events to build capability in your community.

On the road delivering workshops

Get in touch.