How we support councils in regional, rural and remote Australia
We’re purpose-driven and regional to the core.
We understand perfectly well the digital divide between city and country. We know that regional Australians have fewer opportunities and support to start and grow a business and we exist to address that.
If you’re in local government and looking for ways to help businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators in your community we’d love to kick some ideas around.
Regional Rising co-founder Paul Dillon at the ‘wings’ on the Silver City Highway on the way to deliver small business workshops in Broken Hill, NSW.
Capability building
Our workshops and programs
Our core offer for local government in regional, rural and remote Australian communities centres on our capability to deliver workshops on various digital topics via various delivery methods.
In a world of webinars and Zoom, our point of difference is that we’re prepared to come to you and deliver an event in person.
We can provide workshops and programs:
In person
A blend of in-person and online.
Workshops can be customised and delivered over:
3-4 hours (half day) during business hours, evenings or weekends
Full day or multi-day
As part of a multi-week program
Get in touch if you’d like some personalised 1:1 coaching online to help you pressure test your vision and ideas and to put some structure around your plans.
Regional Rising can deliver workshops in person, online, or a blend of both. Photo - Wentworth, NSW, November 2019.
Building local ecosystems to support entrepreneurs and innovators
Are you exploring opening a physical coworking space but unsure where to start?
Are you a regional council, TAFE or university exploring opening a coworking space to create connections between business, community and entrepreneurs?
Are you looking to build an ecosystem of soft (workshops, mentoring etc) and physical (buildings) infrastructure to spark innovation and nurture early stage entrepreneurs?
Our co-founder Paul Dillon has extensive experience setting up and operating coworking spaces, having launched Mallee Rising in North West Victoria and managed The Hive at South West TAFE on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.
Our CEO Paul Dillon founded the Mallee Rising coworking space in Swan Hill, Victoria, in May 2017. It operated for three years before closing during the COVID lockdowns introduced by the Victorian Government in 2020.

Get in touch.
We support the Sustainable Development Goals
Education is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. When people are able to get quality education they can break from the cycle of poverty.
Education helps to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality. It also empowers people everywhere to live more healthy and sustainable lives. Education is also crucial to fostering tolerance between people and contributes to more peaceful societies.
Regional Rising aims to contribute to Goal 4.4:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
Providing youth the best opportunity to transition to a decent job calls for investing in education and training of the highest possible quality, providing youth with skills that match labour market demands, giving them access to social protection and basic services regardless of their contract type, as well as leveling the playing field so that all aspiring youth can attain productive employment regardless of their gender, income level or socio-economic background.
Regional Rising aims to contribute to Goal 8.3:
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Goal 9 seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources.
The growth of new industries means improvement in the standard of living for many of us.
Regional Rising aims to contribute to Goal 9.1:
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.