Your experienced partner for domain names in Warrnambool
Are you looking for an experienced partner to guide your domain names strategy?
Are you looking for someone to register and manage domain names for you?
Businesses in Warrnambool and the South West can leverage Regional Rising’s 20+ years’ international experience in domain names strategy and management. And we’re on your doorstep!
Our domain names strategy and management experience runs deep - in a past life, while living overseas, our CEO managed more than 2,000 domain names (and 40 websites) for one of the world’s largest insurers across more than 50 countries!
Now we’d like regional businesses like yours to benefit from this experience! Protect your assets by putting in place the following best practices with your current domain name provider or contact us if you’d like us to manage your domain names and your strategy for you.
Domain names best practices
It is critically important that your business email is listed as the ‘registrant contact’ on the ownership records for all of your domains.
Best practice - eg. admin@yourcompany.com.au
Bad practice - the email of the provider you use to register domains on your behalf. eg. contact@regionalrising.com.au.
All communication flows electronically through the registrant contact email address, including payment renewal notices and transfer requests.
You can check that your email address is used for the registrant contact email address at https://whois.auda.org.au/
It is human nature to register domain names and then forget about them. If you have a provider to help you but uses their email address “to save time” it can become a problem in the future (some years later) if you no longer have a relationship but need their help promptly.
What to do next:
Check the registrant contact email on your domains belongs to you and not your provider
Check that you (your business) is listed as the registrant (which is the actual owner of the asset) and not your provider or someone else. This is especially important to remember if a business changes hands and the domain is still registered to ‘Former Owner Pty Ltd’. There is a fee of approximately $80 issued by auDA (the Australian domain authority) for every domain ownership change so it is best to get this right at the time of registering a domain and not later.
Use a shared mailbox such as ‘admin’, ‘sales’, ‘accounts’ and so on that is monitored, and can be accessed by more than one person. Avoid using firstname.lastname@yourcompany.com.au.
Why this is important:
Individuals come and go in business and the last thing you want is the most important domain name in the business registered to tony@yourcompany.com.au. This becomes problematic if Tony leaves the company and important email notifications for your strategically important domain names are missed because they are still being sent to a mailbox that has been closed down.
Example: Imagine if the credit card you have linked to your domain name account expires (or is cancelled by you due to fraudulent use, which is increasingly common these days). ‘Payment failure’ email notifications to the registrant contact address at the time of renewal will not be delivered and the domain would expire. This could impact the bottom line of your business if you host a website, online store and email services on the domain. This bad situation can be fixed within days but it would mean liaising with your domain registrar and the peak body auDA to remedy it, and the solution will take longer if “tony@yourcompany.com.au” is the email address in auDA’s database. A website and email outage would have a financial and reputational impact on your business, not to mention all those customer emails to you bouncing back to them as ‘undeliverable’. There’s an easy fix - get your records right from the beginning and check them periodically to ensure they’re still up-to-date.
By using a key shared mailbox which will outlive
Domain names and website design: a killer combo
SEO is a key digital marketing strategy and goes hand-in-hand with any new website launch. It is highly recommended that SEO is included in the very earliest stage when planning a new website design as SEO research will influence the structure and page titles of your new website design.
We have done SEO and built dozens of websites for regional small businesses as well as coached many businesses to build their own websites with their own hands.
Talk to Regional Rising about our SEO Warrnambool services the next time you are planning a new website for your business or replacing an old website.
We do much more than just SEO and website design as these are just two digital marketing strategies.
Check out our full range of digital marketing in Warrnambool services.
Domain names + website design Warrnambool
A sample of websites we have designed and built for businesses and organisations around Warrnambool and regional Australia.