ATO launches free online education platform for small business
Support for owners and entrepreneurs to build capability in finances, tax, super and more
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a free education platform to support small businesses and entrepreneurs through the different lifecycle stages of business.
The Essentials to strengthen your small business portal is an “all in one tool kit” featuring more than 20 courses grouped into five stages of business: idea, startup, day-to-day, change and exit.
Courses include fact sheets, quizes and action plans
If you want to take advantage of this resource from the ATO you will need to create a basic account which is not linked to your ATO or government accounts. An account will:
allow you to track your progress with courses
highlights key dates for tax and super (eg. BAS activity statement deadlines etc).
create a personalised learning pathway relevant to where your business is currently at (ie. the 5 stages) and remove courses you no longer need.
Take and save your own notes and flag ‘favourite’ courses.
The 21 courses are made up of a series of modules and can be filtered further by business structure and industry. Course duration and progress is displayed and each course includes downloadable 'Fast Facts', a 'Knowledge check' quiz, quick links and an Action Plan in checklist form.
Business life cycles and courses covered
Starting a small business
Setting up a small business
Record keeping
Starting a small business
Setting up a small business
Record keeping
Cashflow for small business success
Using your business money and assets
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Claiming small business tax deductions
Claiming deductions for your home-based business
Recording business income and expenses
Introduction to ride-sourcing
Ride-sourcing: Income, expenses and GST
Record keeping
Cashflow for small business success
Using your business money and assets
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Claiming small business tax deductions
Claiming deductions for your home-based business
Recording business income and expenses
Strategies for improving your cashflow
Introduction to ride-sourcing
Ride-sourcing: Income, expenses and GST
Hiring workers
Paying workers
Super guarantee employer obligations
Car fringe benefits tax
Expense payments fringe benefits tax
Growing your small business
Record keeping
Using your business money and assets
Hiring workers
Paying workers
Super guarantee employer obligations
Car fringe benefits tax
Expense payments fringe benefits tax
Considering your small business viability
Growing your small business
Records reconstruction
Record keeping
Closing your small business
Need more support beyond these free resources?
We love free online resources. They’re great for people who like to do their own research and don’t want to spend money.
If you’re ready to move beyond free resources visit the start a new business and grow an existing business sections on our website for a range of support services or contact us.
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