Webinar recording: Integrating digital technologies curriculum into other subjects

Are you responsible for teaching the digital technologies curriculum in a primary or secondary school? Or are you a teacher looking to integrate digital technology into your curriculum area? Are you in a leadership position at a school facing challenges to integrate the curriculum?

Join an online panel discussion where we will discuss:

- The challenges leaders face to integrate the Digital Technologies Curriculum and how to overcome them.
- How to support teachers develop knowledge of the Digital Technologies Curriculum when it is not their expertise or they have never taught the subject area before.
- Resources to help teachers find links with the Digital Technologies Curriculum.
- Q&A

Our panel comprises:

- Catherine Newington: ICT Educator Specialist at the Australian Computer Society
- Nathan Alison: Digital Learning & Teaching Victoria (DLTV)
- Daryl English: DigiTech Educational Leader
- Kevin Daly (moderator): Manager, Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV)
- Paul Dillon (host): Mallee Rising launchpad for rural entrepreneurs


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