Join us as we guide you through the steps you can take to keep you, your business, family and devices safe in a digital world.
The Prime Minister revealed in June 2020 that a foreign government escalated "malicious" cyber attacks against Australian businesses earlier that year.
A forum representing Australia's chief information security officers warns that home Wi-Fi routers are often "as secure as a cardboard shark cage", and during the COVID pandemic are being exploited to launch attacks on the corporate networks of homeowners' employers.
Did you know?
87% of home users don't change the default passwords on the internet modem. That's like 87% of homes using the exact same set of keys - not very secure is it?
A pin code on a phone that is only 4 digits can be cracked in around 6.5 minutes, a pin code that is 6 digits takes around 11 hours. In fact with roughly 10% of 4 digit codes being 1234 and 1234, 0000 and 1111 making up roughly 20% of 4 digit codes - it's possible statistically to break the code on 1 in 5 devices on the first attempt.
password is not the most widely used password - 123456 is.
In 2014 it's estimated that 2 in 5 people had an account hacked or had a password stolen - and with the scale of breaches since, that number would be higher today. There are better ways to secure your accounts and devices.
Join us as we discuss with Jason Westrupp from BGR Development the various steps you can take to keep you, your business, family and devices safe in a digital world.