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How to Network on LinkedIn

Is your lack of knowledge about how to network on LinkedIn holding you back from maximising the most powerful professional networking platform on the globe?

LinkedIn provides many opportunities to stay top of mind and more connected to past and present colleagues, continue conversations online and make new connections. If you want to get maximum value from LinkedIn then you need to learn the correct LinkedIn etiquette. Being 'salesy' and transactional on LinkedIn is a short sighted strategy. Instead you must learn approach LinkedIn with a ‘how can I help’ attitude that adds genuine value to your LinkedIn community.

In this 1-hour class, Karen will take you through her recommended do's and dont’s when networking on LinkedIn. Learn her introductory and intermediate networking steps so you can approach networking the right way, expand your connections and start more conversations with the people who matter to your career and business.

This event is hosted by General Assembly.

1 September

How to start a business that works